By mesh | Categories: | Comments Off on scrotum
scrotum: the loose bag of skin beneath the penis that holds the testes and regulates their temperature
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scrotum: the loose bag of skin beneath the penis that holds the testes and regulates their temperature
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scabies: a sexually transmitted infection caused by a mite (a kind of insect) that burrows under the skin, causing intense itching and the formation of pus. Scabies can be cured by using medicated shampoo, which can be purchased at a drug store.
By mesh | Categories: | Comments Off on safer sex
safer sex: engaging in practices that reduce the chances of getting or spreading a sexually transmitted infection (STI) and/or becoming (or getting a partner) pregnant. Usually this means using latex barriers like condoms and dental dams and getting tested for STIs on a regular basis. Because nothing is 100 percent safe, aside from continuous abstinence, the term is “safer” rather than “safe” sex.
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pubic lice: a parasite that lives in a person’s pubic hair, causing intense itching. They can be sexually transmitted and cured with anti-lice medicated shampoo and body wash, which can be purchased in a drug store. Pubic lice are also known as “crabs.”
By mesh | Categories: | Comments Off on pre-ejaculatory fluid
pre-ejaculatory fluid: also known as pre-ejaculate or pre-cum, this fluid is made in the Cowper’s gland and comes out of the tip of the penis shortly after an erection. It is designed to remove urine from the urethra and coat the walls of the urethra to increase the changes of sperm surviving once they have been ejaculated. Some people with penises always have sperm in their pre-cum and others never do. Sperm that is found in pre-cum is not likely to cause pregnancy. Pre-cum can transmit sexually transmitted infections.
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pregnancy: the process by which an implanted, fertilized egg develops into a fetus. This typically takes nine months.
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pre-cum: also known as pre-ejaculate or pre-ejaculatory fluid, this fluid is made in the Cowper’s gland and comes out of the tip of the penis shortly after an erection. It is designed to remove urine from the urethra and coat the walls of the urethra to increase the changes of sperm surviving once they have been ejaculated. Some people with penises always have sperm in their pre-cum and others never do. Sperm that is found in pre-cum is not likely to cause pregnancy. Pre-cum can transmit sexually transmitted infections.
By mesh | Categories: | Comments Off on Plan B
Plan B: a brand of emergency contraception (EC), which is a safe, legal and effective way to reduce the risk of pregnancy up to five days (120 hours) after unprotected sex or when the method of contraception failed
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the Pill: a hormonal contraceptive that prevents ovulation. Also called oral contraceptives, this method is 99-percent effective at preventing pregnancy with perfect use, meaning it’s taken every day at about the same time. “The pill” is prescribed by a health care provider and dispensed by a pharmacy. Birth control pills do not prevent sexually transmitted infections.
By mesh | Categories: | Comments Off on penis
penis: a reproductive and sex organ that is made of spongy tissue that fills with blood during sexual excitement and becomes hard (also known as an erection). This organ is found on the bodies of those assigned male at birth. Urine and semen pass through the penis through a tube called the urethra. The average length of an adult erect penis can be anywhere from five to seven inches—although some are smaller and some larger. Beneath the shaft of the penis is the scrotum and inside the scrotum, the testicles.